Thursday, May 7, 2020

What Will You Do When They Come For You?

What will you do when they come for you in your home?

They won't be doing that just in California. There's a bill in the works to make that happen nationwide. See here.   Dr. Butter raises alarm to the bill here.

And when they come to test you for the virus, you'll most likely test positive because the test is most likely rigged. See here.

You've done your part all along by going along with the jewish mainstream script of events, from the murder of our most popular president JFK in broad daylight to 9/11 to all of the mass shooting events to now being locked in your homes. You didn't step out of line. You bought the script and spoke the script. You poo pooed conspiracy theorists as you were supposed to do.

You're good obedient Americans. We don't expect you to question this latest hoax, even though, oh my, only jewish chutzpah could be behind the magnitude of this latex one. So when they come for you in your home, we know you still won't be found to be questioning the jewish mainstream script, you will still be poo pooing conspiracy theorists. And definitely you still won't be found to be anti-semitic: here.

P.S. To my second-amendment-not-so-much-first-amendment loving , anti-conspiracy theorist, we-back-the-badge friends, when they come for you to check you for the virus, they may inquire whether you have guns. And they may want to take them from you for your own good, as they may be contaminated with the virus.

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