Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sarah Silverman: Jewish Paranoia Exemplified

In a CNN interview Sarah Silverman said, "I'm popular for a jew" and "everybody hates us." Is Sarah Silverman jewish? No doubt about that. She wears it on her sleeve, doesn't she? But is she paranoid? You decide. Listen to her here.


The Realist Report said...

It's truly amazing watching this slimy, sleazy woman say these things on TV unchallenged. It's simply absurd.

Anonymous said...

Jews are brainwashed since birth that non-jews hate them. This is illustrated in the story of Esau and Jacob. "Esau hates Jacob" [Gentiles hate Jews]. This is total brainwash and divisionary tactic to use the Jewish people as a tool for the furthering of the several thousand year plan for the central banking families to rule the world. The temple of "GOD" in Jerusalem was the central bank and if all goes according to plan will be again where the banksters will have their "unshakable" rule and "king of the world". They will launch ww3 at the end of 2012, destroy the dome of the rock and crown their "prince of darkness" in 2015 who will proclaim to be the (aged 33) "savior of the world" by erasing world debt. It's all a plan being played out to a planetary calendar.

RickB said...

Anonymous, I'm sure everone will appreciate being relieved of their debts. Zionism can go no where else but ww3. That's only logical... but, but we're not supposed to see anything or understand anything when the self chosen are involved.

Palestinian said...

Read the Talmud. Their book of "Jewish Law", which explains that a man can have sex with a 3 yr old girl, because her virginity will come back, also, Jews can lie/cheat/steal from "goyum" (non jews created ONLY to serve jews) to benefit their tribe, but can steal from another jew. People send their kids to summer/ball camp, & they send theirs to Jew camp, for jews only.. where they're taught to hate non jews, & like you said, brainwashed to think everyone hates them. Ask yourself, why are they hated so much, by so many?? They've been kicked out of 100 countries, in 2000 yrs. Also research "the origin of the saudi royal family".

RickB said...

Thanks for your comments, Palestinian? Why are they hated by so many; why have they been kicked out of so many countries?

Could the reason that they are hated be that when one really comes to know them [and not too many do because they are a small, secretive, uninviting (to gentiles) clan], they are found to be in reality utterly disgusting, i.e., anti-Christ (i.e. anti-good)?

And could the reason they have been kicked out of so many countries (i.e. nations/communities) been for self preservation of said countries?