Sunday, August 31, 2008

Americans, We Have a Police State!

More here and here and here
It's not "we're losing our democracy" or "we're becomming a police state." We've lost our democracy. We ARE a police state. We lost our democracy definitively in 2000 when they stopped counting votes, with the supreme court coup.

From "Minnesota Monster Mash: Police-State Zombies in a Dead Republic"
We all know that if, say, Vladimir Putin or Hugo Chavez had put on the kind of display we've seen in Minneapolis and Denver, the entire American media-political establishment would be in full condemnatory cry about such "anti-democratic repression."

What happened in Minneapolis is neither extraordinary nor surprising. It is simply what happens in a police state, one in which the Leader claims the power to ignore every law, to order torture, murder and wars of aggression as he sees fit, to declare anyone on earth an "enemy combatant" (on criteria that he alone decides) and detain them, without charges, for as long as he wants -- and is never resisted in any of these egregious acts of tyranny by the political "opposition." Instead his crimes and authoritarian encroachments are continually excused, countenanced, justified, immunized, ignored or fully supported by the "opposition," whose leaders refuse to take any legal action against the multitude of state crimes, but instead say openly that their main goal is simply to seize power for their own co-opted and corrupted elite faction.

There are probably any number of names one could call such a system -- but a constitutional Republic is not one of them.

source article

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