Tuesday, June 30, 2020

MSM's Deceptive Numbers Game to Push Pandemic Scam

It should be patently obvious what's going on. When you see for example that some state has 9,000 new cases, that means that the Democratic machine in that state has worked feverishly to produce that number of new cases [i.e. number of positive tests]. How many of those tests are of non-symptomatic people? How many if tested again would test positive again?

The work of the Democatic party of produce cases in order to push the pandemic scam and shutdown of this country, in order to win an election, is simply treasonous.

P.S. Watching the quota-passed-forward-experiment Don Lemon pretend he's an intelligent journalist just makes one want to sing and dance... like this.

P.P.S. Which is the better actor, Cuomo playing journalist or Gupta playing pandemic expert? See here.

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