Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Steel Frame Building Fires
Windsor Tower in Madrid: I personally saw this fire in 2005. I drove past the building on fire on the way to my hotel; the next morning I drove past the building, which was gutted but still standing, on the way to the air port. The building had burned all night long and was still standing the next day. I guess they build them better in Spain. See more steel building fires here.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
86 Year Old Woman Battles for Truth and Justice in Germany
Frau Ursula Haverbeck, born in 1928,
is an 86 year old survivor of the genocidal Allied terror bombing,
the Russian onslaught of rape and pillage on Germany’s Eastern
frontier, the anti-German pogroms and expulsions, and the post-war
Morgenthau Plan of mass starvation perpetrated against Germany, the
enslavement and mass murder of surrendered German soldiers as well
as, of the post-war cultural genocide of the German nation by the
criminal victors.
Many today still live in “denial”
of these obvious and provable crimes, but no law prevents anyone from
voicing their denial, so no one has ever been jailed for denying
these facts. Nor is any notion of “collective guilt and punishment”
forced upon the citizens of the nations which perpetrated these
monstrous “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity”. The
peoples of the Allied nations have not been divided, and had their
land, culture and heritage stolen. Nor have they been forced to pay
reparations to the Germans for this “Unholicaust”. No one has
ever been jailed for spreading “false news” and “inciting
hatred” toward the German people, though it is committed daily in
the mass media; in books, films, TV shows, newspaper articles,
schools, and in everyday average conversation amongst people
Frau Haverbeck is a very learned, lucid
and articulate lady, who is in good physical and mental health. She
holds several university degrees, including in the field of
Education. She, along with her late husband (a professor and former
Eastern Front soldier) were both, in past years, very involved with
environmental concerns in Germany, and were activists for the
preservation of the German language and culture.
On November 20th, 2014, Frau Haverbeck
made history by laying criminal charges against the Central Council
of the Jews in Germany, under S. 344 of German Penal Code with “False
Prosecutions” perpetrated against innocent Germans concerning their
“denial of the holocaust” (TM). The crime of False Prosecution
is punishable with up to 10 years imprisonment.
Read more of this story here.
P.S. Guess which dope wrote the following: It has been accurately said that the entire Hitler/Holocaust/WWII revisionist business is a dead end as far as waking the average person up to the dangers that Zionism and organized Jewish interests pose to today’s world.
Hint: It is the same deluded dope that "accurately" said it. Yes, the dope is referencing himself. I guess when you were first in line when brains were passed out, it's hard to find others of equal brilliance to reference.
The dope wrote the above here. Note that none of his sycophantic fans challenged him.
P.P.S. Thank you Frau Haverbeck for your courage to speak out. Sometimes things are a matter of doing what's right, no matter what the odds of success are. And the holocaust lie must be undone for there to be any hope for mankind. Oh, and Frau Haverbeck, I don't think you're doing this for a hobby.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Who Are The Bankers?
The jews are the bankers who control your life, no matter who you are, no matter where you are in the world. And they are merciless!
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Gilad Atzmon: If you are a jew, you should be troubled.
At the end of the video interview, Atzmon states that jews should be troubled. He's referring to jews that may have a functioning conscience despite the constant, inculcating mind control that goes with being part of the jewish community. I agree with Atzmon on this. If you are a jew with a functioning conscience, your conscience should be troubling you about being a jew, and what all that entails (the lies and depravity that go with that); you should get out from the jewish community.
You should get out from the jewish community and ask for God's help to be well, fully human, fully what God created you to be. After all, it is God, through your conscience that is leading you out. Follow the light. The light leads out.
There's no making judaism well. There's no way to make a jewish community well. There's no way to be a jew and be well.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Video: University Students Realize Israel Is The Terrorist State
Despite completely controlling the argument... the jews are losing the argument. Justice and recompense are coming.
Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since
The United States has had three coups
if you count the first one as being Jekyll Island in November of
1910. Those first coup plotters met at Jekyll Island and secretly
wrote the law that became the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. All of the
bankers who met in secret were Rothschild agents. This included Paul
Warburg of the Rothschild dominated Kuhn Loeb bank. Nelson Aldrich
who was a Senator married into the Rockefeller family. The
Rockefellers were created by the Rothschilds as were J P Morgan, the
Harrimans and the Bush family. Senator Aldrich was head of the
National Monetary Commission created by President Theodore Roosevelt.
Roosevelt had become President after the Jews had successfully
assassinated President McKinley. They previously had assassinated
President Lincoln.
The first day of those meetings
actually occurred in a private railway car on the evening of November
22, 1910. When the Jews took over America’s banking and monetary
system in 1913, they took over the country. Not all coups involve
tanks in the streets. It was no coincidence that President Kennedy
was assassinated on November 22, 1963 which was the 53rd anniversary
of Israel’s earlier coup.
President Kennedy had dared to attempt to
take America back from the Jews.
Read more here.
P.S. Kennedy naively thought that since he was president that he had the power to be able to take the country back from the jews. Instead, he was assassinated in broad day light with impunity, right in front of the people whom he was attempting to restore the country to. And now all presidents since live under the threat of being "Kennedied" if they attempt to step out of line and do the same.
P.P.S. Of course Israel had accomplices (water carriers) to do the deed... of course in positions of power, possibly from one family which is giving us a whole line of presidents since. Consider the following video here.
P.P.S. Of course Israel had accomplices (water carriers) to do the deed... of course in positions of power, possibly from one family which is giving us a whole line of presidents since. Consider the following video here.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME ! ! ! ... Jews for Justice for Germans
“Jews for this, Jews for that,
doesn’t it just make you sick. But wait, this one’s different.
You’ve all heard of Jews for Justice for Palestinians (JFJFP) well,
here’s Jews for Justice for Germans (JFJFG).
JFJFG was conceived by fellow Jew Henry
Herskovitz, German-Irish American and wannabee Jew, Dan McGowan and
me (Paul Eisen).
Below is our program. So far, we’ve
only got three Signatories, Henry, Dan and me (Paul Eisen) – but we’re hoping
for more.
If you want to sign, contact me at:
We call on Elie Wiesel to withdraw
and apologize for his statement that “All Jews should set apart in
themselves a zone of hate – healthy, virile hate – for what the
German personifies and for what persists in the Germans.
We call on all Jews to demand that
the interactions between Germans and Jews 1933-1945 be open to
discussion in the same way as any other events in history
In this connection we call on all
Governments to repeal, with immediate effect, all Holocaust denial
laws and time-to-time time immediately publicly apologize to and
compensate all who have Suffered under Those laws.
In the interests of reconciliation
we call on the German Federal Government to cease, with immediate
effect, all reparation payments to Israel and all compensation
payments to Jewish survivors of the interactions between Germans and
Jews 1933-1945.
In the interests of justice, we
call on representatives of Jewish communities worldwide to meet with
representatives of the German people to discuss the possible
repayment of some reparations and compensations paid to Jews by
We call on representatives of
Jewish communities worldwide to begin discussions about the role of
Jews in the suffering inflicted on Germans since 1945 and, if
appropriate, to make arrangements for apology, reparation and
P.S. Me thinks that Paul Eisen will find himself a lonely jew on this. It's telling that this common sense action --from a jew-- took so long.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
War on Ebola or War for Oil?
One striking aspect of this new concern
of the US President for the situation in Liberia and other west
African states where alleged surges of Ebola are being claimed is the
presence of oil, huge volumes of untapped oil.
The offshore coast of Liberia and east
African ‘Ebola zones’ conveniently map with the presence of vast
untapped oil and gas resources shown here
The issue of oil in west Africa,
notably in the waters of the Gulf of Guinea have become increasingly
strategic both to China who is roaming the world in search of future
secure oil import sources, and the United States, whose oil
geo-politics was summed up in a quip by then Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger in the 1970’s: ‘If you control the oil, you control
entire nations.’
The Obama Administration and Pentagon
policy has continued that of George W. Bush who in 2008 created the
US military Africa Command or AFRICOM, to battle the rapidly-growing
Chinese economic presence in Africa’s potential oil-rich countries.
West Africa is a rapidly-emerging oil treasure, barely tapped to
date. A US Department of Energy study projected that African oil
production would rise 91 percent between 2002 and 2025, much from the
region of the present Ebola alarm.
Chinese oil companies are all over
Africa and increasingly active in west Africa, especially Angola,
Sudan and Guinea, the later in the epicenter of Obama’s new War on
Ebola troop deployment.
If the US President were genuine about
his concern to contain a public health emergency, he could look at
the example of that US-declared pariah Caribbean nation, Cuba.
Reuters reports that the Cuban government, a small financially
distressed, economically sanctioned island nation of 11 million
people, with a national budget of $50 billion, Gross Domestic Product
of 121 billion and per capita GDP of just over $10,000, is
dispatching 165 medical personnel to Africa to regions where there
are Ebola outbreaks. Washington sends 3,000 combat troops. Something
smells very rotten around the entire Ebola scare.
Read the rest of the article here.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Will Bibi Be Israel's Last Prime Minister?
Blog editor's note: When the Israelis
commenced their most recent inglorious rampage through Gaza, I told a
Palestinian friend that Netanyahu would be Israel's last prime
minister. It was only an instinctive sensation. Seems by Gilad Atzmon's latest article, below, that he
might agree.
Atzmon's "Israel, Here Comes The End"
An Israeli Facebook page launched
earlier this month to assist Israelis in escaping their apocalypse
through migration has now gone viral reaching more than 700,000
Israelis. It is called Olim Le-Berlin, ‘Ascending to Berlin,’
using the same positive Hebrew expression ‘Aliya’ attributed to
the Jewish Diaspora emigrating to Israel.
Apparently, the confident Zio-patriotic
balloon has been burst by a few Palestinian rockets landing in Tel
Aviv. In truth, this implosion is occurring because the Jewish State
is an inconvincible concept. As much as the Jews yearned to return to
their phantasmic ‘homeland,’ they failed to make Palestine into a
true home. On the contrary, Israel has become the definitive showcase
of every problematic Jewish ideological and cultural trait: it is
racially supremacist, it is exclusive, it is an abusive ghetto
suffocated with goy hatred, and its treatment of its own people and
especially its poor is despicable.
Yesterday, I learned from Israeli TV
Arutz 2 that the migration campaign organizers have applied directly
to German Kunstler Angela Merkel to request 25,000 temporary work
visas. They did so in response to more than 9000 calls from desperate
Israelis. Some Israeli patriots are clearly devastated by the recent
dash to mass migration, they labeled the new campaign as an “insult
to all Holocaust survivors.” “See you in the gas chambers,”
commented one critic on the Facebook page. If any of these WMD
obsessed Israelis really want to witness the way in which my exile
Israeli friends interact artistically with me, jazz chambers rather
than ‘gas chambers’ is probably the best place to do so.
According to Israeli officials, the
number of Israeli ‘deserters’ is offset by incoming Jews from
Eastern Europe, America and France, who tend to be “more religious
and right-wing.” Israeli officials also admit that Western
metropolitans are more attractive to Israeli secular and educated
youngsters. A growing numbers of educated Israelis understand that
Israel’s fate is pretty much sealed. It is crucial to remember that
for more than a few years, Israelis of European descent have been
queuing at German, Hungarian and Polish consulates for foreign
passports. Their Sephardi brothers are also eagerly awaiting for the
Spanish parliament to approve a plan to grant nationality to no less
than three million Sephardi Jews.
The take home message is devastatingly
clear. Israel has now officially entered its final terminal phase.
The catastrophic situation has entered into Israeli collective
awareness. Israelis are now running for their lives and they have
good reason to believe that Europe will soon close its gates to avoid
the Hebrew tsunami.
Predictably, it wasn’t the watery
Soros funded ‘non-violent’ BDS movement that brought the Jewish
State to its end. It was effectuated by authentic Palestinian
resistance; an Islamic motivated willingness to fight and a fierce
determination to win. It is the ability to send a ballistic message
to Tel Aviv and Haifa that delivers the unmistakable message to
Israelis that they are dwelling on stolen land.
Again, we see that it doesn’t take
much for the Jews to reveal their flimsy ideological and spiritual
bond to nationhood. If the IDF and Zionism initially inspired the
fearless Jewish combative warrior; a few sirens in Tel Aviv revealed
the feeble nature of Israel’s ideological bond and the depth of
Israeli hedonistic inclinations. From a psychoanalytical perspective,
it may be that the murderous barbarism Israel exhibited in every
recent round of violence is the result of a desperate attempt to
conceal the weakness and the crumbliness of Jewish nationalism.
Atzmon's article can be found here.
P.S. I'm sure that one good reason jews are fleeing Israel is that they realize the truth better than anybody else that reasoning with jews is impossible.
South African Trade Unions Call for Expulsion of Israeli Medical Association
South Africa's largest trade union
federation, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), has
joined with health sector unions to demand the expulsion of the
Israeli Medical Association (IMA) from the World Medical Association
COSATU, along with NEHAWU (National
Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union), DENOSA (Democratic
Nursing Organisation of South Africa), as well as the SA Medical
Association (SAMA), issued the joint call earlier this week.
Organisers will protest outside the WMA today, Friday 10 October,
supported by campaign groups like BDS South Africa.
In issuing the call for expulsion,
COSATU claimed that the IMA "has never denounced or seriously
confronted the Israeli government on its shameless use of torture",
and has "shown blatant disregard for the ethical issue of
medical neutrality."
The South African trade unions also
accused the IMA of having "stood silently in the face of...the
killing, harassment and wounding of Palestinian health professionals
on duty; and the destruction of the Palestinian health systems."
They note that "direct appeals to the IMA [over many years] have
been unavailing."
COSATU was one of the first trade
unions in the world to endorse the Palestinian-led, international
boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign. Citing the struggle
against South African apartheid, COSTAU is urging the expulsion of
the IMA from the WMA, until the Israeli body "unequivocally
condemns, distances and actively counter's Israel's torture,
occupation and apartheid policies."
Source for this article is here.
P.S. The South African trade unions deserve loud kudos... like the Nobel peace prize... from the larger gentile community for this action. A humble attaboy goes to them from this lil blogger. Thank you for humanity sake.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
How the West Created the Islamic State
The Third Iraq War has
begun. With it, longstanding neocon dreams to partition Iraq into
three along ethnic and religious lines have been resurrected.
White House officials
now estimate that the fight against the region’s ‘Islamic State’
will last years, and may outlive the Obama administration. But this
‘long war’ vision goes back to nebulous ideas formally presented
by late RAND Corp analyst Laurent Muraweic before the Pentagon’s
Defense Policy Board at the invitation of then chairman Richard
Perle. That presentation described Iraq as a “tactical pivot” by
which to transform the wider Middle East.
Brian Whitaker, former
Guardian Middle East editor, rightly noted that the Perle-RAND
strategy drew inspiration from a 1996 paper published by the Israeli
Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, co-authored
by Perle and other neocons who held top positions in the post-9/11
Bush administration.
The policy paper
advocated a strategy that bears startling resemblance to the chaos
unfolding in the wake of the expansion of the ‘Islamic State’ –
Israel would “shape its strategic environment” by first securing
the removal of Saddam Hussein. “Jordan and Turkey would form an
axis along with Israel to weaken and ‘roll back’ Syria.” This
axis would attempt to weaken the influence of Lebanon, Syria and Iran
by “weaning” off their Shi’ite populations. To succeed, Israel
would need to engender US support, which would be obtained by
Benjamin Netanyahu formulating the strategy “in language familiar
to the Americans by tapping into themes of American administrations
during the cold war.”
The 2002 Perle-RAND
plan was active in the Bush administration’s strategic thinking on
Iraq shortly before the 2003 war. According to US private
intelligence firm Stratfor, in late 2002, then vice-president Dick
Cheney and deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz had co-authored a
scheme under which central Sunni-majority Iraq would join with
Jordan; the northern Kurdish regions would become an autonomous
state; all becoming separate from the southern Shi’ite region.
The strategic
advantages of an Iraq partition, Stratfor argued, focused on US
control of oil:
“After eliminating
Iraq as a sovereign state, there would be no fear that one day an
anti-American government would come to power in Baghdad, as the
capital would be in Amman [Jordan]. Current and potential US
geopolitical foes Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria would be isolated from
each other, with big chunks of land between them under control of the
pro-US forces.
“Equally important,
Washington would be able to justify its long-term and heavy military
presence in the region as necessary for the defense of a young new
state asking for US protection – and to secure the stability of oil
markets and supplies. That in turn would help the United States gain
direct control of Iraqi oil and replace Saudi oil in case of conflict
with Riyadh.”
The expansion of the
‘Islamic State’ has provided a pretext for the fundamental
contours of this scenario to unfold, with the US and British looking
to re-establish a long-term military presence in Iraq.
In 2006, Cheney’s
successor, Joe Biden, also indicated his support for the ‘soft
partition’ of Iraq along ethno-religious lines – a position which
the co-author of the Biden-Iraq plan, Leslie Gelb of the Council on
Foreign Relations, now argues is “the only solution” to the
current crisis.
In 2008, the strategy
re-surfaced – once again via RAND Corp – through a report funded
by the US Army Training and Doctrine Command on how to prosecute the
‘long war.’ Among its strategies, one scenario advocated by the
report was ‘Divide and Rule’ which would involve “exploiting
fault lines between the various Salafi-jihadist groups to turn them
against each other and dissipate their energy on internal conflicts.”
Simultaneously, the
report suggested that the US could foster conflict between
Salafi-jihadists and Shi’ite militants by “shoring up the
traditional Sunni regimes… as a way of containing Iranian power and
influence in the Middle East and Persian Gulf.”
One way or another, the
plan is in motion. Last week, Israeli foreign minister Avigdor
Leiberman told US secretary of state John Kerry: “Iraq is breaking
up before our eyes and it would appear that the creation of an
independent Kurdish state is a foregone conclusion.”
P.S. Read the rest of the article, which provides a detailed explanation, authored by Nafeez Ahmed here. The jews who control us... Americans... got us into Iraq by lies and trickery; they keep us there the same way. Who is your favorite beheading actor? Will you get a vaccine for Ebola?
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Who Is Your Favorite Beheading Actor?
Another Questionable ISIS Beheading Video Released
Strategically timed theatrical
productions continue
Questionable beheading videos,
unverified and unsubstantiated yet accepted as valid by governments
and the establishment media, now appear with every political turn in
the ISIS War.
The latest person allegedly killed is
Alan Henning, a British citizen. His supposed beheading, not actually
shown in the video, follows that of another British citizen, David
On Thursday, the British government
announced it would resume training “rebels” fighting against the
government of Bashar al-Assad, a move that aids a primary objective
ISIS, a terror group supposedly spawned from al-Qaeda in Iraq.
Last week Britain joined the bombing
campign in Syria that has killed numerous civilians.
British PM David Cameron explooited the
alleged beheading video of Haines, said to be an aid worker, to rally
Parliament to war.
“This is about psychopathic
terrorists that are trying to kill us and we do have to realize that,
whether we like it or not, they have already declared war on
us,”Cameron said. “There isn’t a ‘walk on by’ option. There
isn’t an option of just hoping this will go away.”
The first in the series of ISIS
theatrical productions, the assumed beheading of American James
Foley, was dismissed as a fake by vafrious researchers. In August,
The Telegraph reported
…a study of the four-minute
40-second clip, carried out by an international forensic science
company which has worked for police forces across Britain, suggested
camera trickery and slick post-production techniques appear to have
been used…no blood can be seen, even though the knife is drawn
across the neck area at least six times.
Theatrical beheadings, conducted off
camera for unmentioned reason, will continue to be strategically
released as the ISIS war unfolds.
The above story was reported by Kurt Nimmo here.
P.S. Doncha just love these beheading videos? Which video was the best... so far? Who's been the best actor? Perhaps some supporting actor in the mainstream jewish media reporting them should get the nod. They've all been doing a knockout job since 9/11/2001. Doncha think? Or, doncha think?
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
WW3 For Dummies
1998 – 2000: SETTING THE TABLE
Powerful elites and influential think
tanks forecast a coming period of American aggression. Zbigniew
Brzezinski speaks for the Globalist faction of the western PRC
(Predatory Ruling Class) in ‘The Grand Chessboard’, a book in
which he openly advocates for bolder American action in dominating
the Eurasian land mass.
During this same period, the
‘neo-conservative’ faction of the PRC, represented by people like
Robert Kagan, William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney, begin
agitating for America to overthrow any government in the Middle East
that stands in the way of Israel’s domination of the region. To
that end, Kagan and Kristol had founded a group called PNAC (Project
for the New American Century).
The two overlapping factions are often
‘on the same page’, and yet often at odds too. Globalists are
generally more focused on surrounding and subverting the Russia-China
bloc, ultimately creating a ‘unipolar world’ (New World Order).
The neo-con Zionists are generally in agreement, but their main
emphasis is to help Israel to expand its territory and develop into
the dominant regional power in that area of the world.
Think of these factions as competing
‘Mafia’ families. They are still part of the same overall power
structure, but with competing interests at certain times and in
certain areas.
P.S.1: The author of this article could've interchanged "Americans" for
"Dummies" and said the same thing. Americans are dumbed down to the
point of mental retardation in order to be swallowing the latest ISIS
boogeyman stories hook line and sinker. Read the rest of WW3 for Dummies here. Hear a good discussion of it here.
P.S.3: I've pretty much said everything that needs to be said on this blog. Nothing more needs to be said from here, especially since it gets so little attention. This posting pretty much brings this blog full circle. Thank you for it, Professor Burke. I will continue in my personal circles to tell the truth to people --I can't not do that--, and I'll continue to sell my Remember the USS Liberty targets at gun shows --Phil Tourney, I don't work for the ADL, despite what the lil guy Mark Glenn may have told you. My main energy now --at the 12 o'clock hour for the world-- will be put into being the best grandpa I can be for my granddaughter, and enjoying that, and walking with God, and enjoying that too. Adios, and God bless everybody.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Remember Sabra and Shatila
From Aletho News: Sabra and Shatila are two Palestinian
refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon where nearly two thousand
Palestinian refugees were massacred during three days from September
16 to September 18, 1982. The massacre was carried out by hundreds of
Christian Lebanese Phalangists with the aid of Israeli Defense Forces
(IDF) surrounding the camp.
This was only possible because of the
tacit approval and complicity of Israeli Defence Minister, butcher
Ariel Sharon and his gang of zionist war criminals.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Israel Did 911
Today we celebrate the anniversary of Israel's direct attack on the USA. Read more about it here. Happy 911 day. Watch out for ISIS terrorists.
In all seriousness, folks unless we have the truth of this event, we'll continue swallowing lies -ISIS- and destroying ourselves and the world.
We get what we deserve. For Pete's sake people, have the courage to know the truth.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Monday, September 1, 2014
Why Aren't ISIS and Al-Queda Attacking Israel?
With the recent slaughter of
Palestinians taking place on television screens across the world,
only the grossly misinformed would believe that Israel’s
Palestinian extermination program is actually “self-defense.”
Yet for all of Israel’s whining about
how it is being targeted by “Islamic extremists” and
“terrorists,”(which should be translated to mean Palestinians,
Iran, or any other secular or nationalist Arab government in the
region) there is a curious and deafening silence when it is
confronted with actual terrorists and Muslim fanatics such as ISIS,
al-Nusra, and the myriad of other fundamentalist groups waging jihad
in Syria and Iraq.
This bizarre silence has yet to raise
the eyebrows of the somnambulant general public. Curious minds that want to consider this matter further read the rest of the article of the posed question here.
P.S. Could it be that ISIS and Al-Queda terrorists are CIA/MOSSAD mercenaries? Could it be that ISIS is just part of another CIA/MOSSAD operation meant to keep the gentiles hoodwinked into killing other gentiles? Could it be also that everything that's emanating from the jewish MSM is nothing but lies and propaganda... meant to keep the gentiles spellbound into killing other gentiles?
US Secretly Greenlighted Israel's Sampson Option
The US government has declassified
top-secret documents from 45 years ago showing how the US allowed
Israel to possess a nuclear program. Read it here.
P.S. Everybody with functioning brain matter already knew or suspected that Israel had nukes. Too bad there are so few. The news is now it's being openly acknowledged.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Palestinian PM Remains in Ramallah Defying Court Order
A Palestinian lawmaker has defied “a
military order” by the Israeli regime to leave the occupied West
Bank city of Ramallah, Press TV reports.
Khalida Jarrar, who has been waging a
campaign against crackdown on Palestinians, said on Friday that she
would not conform to the order to move to a city in the eastern
occupied Palestinian territories.
“It is my right, as elected
parliamentarian, to stay with my people and to serve them from here.
So I announce that I will not go to Jericho and I will not implement
the military order. I’m staying here serving my people and working
from here,” said the lawmaker.
“Transferring me from my house to
another city is illegal and is against the international humanitarian
law,” she said, calling for an end to the Israeli occupation.
The Palestinian Legislative Council
member has received an order to leave Ramallah.
Meanwhile, an international campaign
was gaining momentum in support of the lawmaker.
“There is now an international
campaign. I hope this will succeed but I will not leave the
Legislative Council.”
She also said there were 36 Palestinian
lawmakers in the Israeli regime’s custody mostly under “something
called the administrative detention.”
Administrative detention is a sort of
imprisonment without trial or charge that allows Israel to
incarcerate Palestinians for up to six months. The detention order
can be renewed for indefinite periods of time.
Palestinian prisoners have been subject
to human rights violations such as the use of torture during
interrogations. Some 5,000 Palestinians are locked up in Israeli
prisons. They are being kept in overcrowded poor conditions.
Story with supporting video report is here.
P.S. As long as people insist on being human, judaism will be resisted. Thank you for doing it, Khalida Jarrar. Anti-Christ, anti-good, anti-humane judaism must be outlawed, prohibited, eradicated if man, created in God's image, is to survive and WW3 is avoided.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Love Distinguishes You from the Beast
Love to distinguish yourself from the
Beast, i.e., that is the Beast, the devil. Love to distinguish
yourself from the spawn of the Beast --inspired by the Beast's
anti-good, anti-Christ doctrine: judaism-- running around rampant
these days generating hell on earth. By loving you will
distinguish/separate yourself from the devil and his spawn. You will
create separateness for your own protection, and bring some light
–from God-- into the present darkness... for you and those around you.
Visible says this well in his latest
article. He writes:
I go about with heavy heart on many
days. The collective suffering loose in the world has reached the
point where it is palpable to anyone with a nature sensitive enough
to detect it. I recognize my relative helplessness and the force of
Karma that encapsulates us all in its web. Karma and degrees of
variable blindness go hand in hand. If you cannot clearly see, you
cannot clearly define or understand what is taking place around you.
You act and react out of sync with what is preferential to your best
interests. This leads to more Karma and a greater blindness. Only a
surpassing intensity of Love can melt the darkness that compromises
our sight. Love and light are eternal kindred and the one naturally
generates some amount of the other as it is employed in your life.
It won't get better unless we get
better and there has to be a motivation for that and that motivation
has to be greater than the resistance to it that is operational at
all times. May you have the good fortune to win out in this exercise.
In his article Visible also writes:
It's hard for those whose totality of
compassion has not been pressed out of them by a forty ton press of
materialism going dwarf star in upon itself, to understand WHY? Why
do all of these things have to happen? The most telling limitation of
the mortal mind is it's narrow field of perception and understanding.
Cosmic imperatives don't make any sense. The duck billed platypus
doesn't make any sense. George W. Bush doing a 'see Jane run'
biography on his merciless mass murderer of a sire, instead of
hanging by the neck like a pheasant outside some lord's manor during
the holidays, makes no sense. The absence of a world wide revolution
and summary mob justice for all those so deserving also makes no
sense. That any of these things have not yet happened does not mean
that they- and worse- will not happen. That justice doesn't even
'appear' to be done is no guarantee that justice will not get done
when the Rip Van Winkle deity finally wakes up under whatever Sequoia
he fell asleep under when it was smaller than a Japanese Maple.
Read Visible's article, The Strange
Case of the Disappearing Sheetrock, here.
P.S. Thank you for your words of
wisdom, Visible. May we distinguish ourselves from the spawn of the
Beast. May we see truth and justice prevail soon.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Americans Fear Jews More Than They Fear God
Brother Nathanael says it well:
ALL THE JEW-BOUGHT political hacks of
Congress and the White House were there cheering on the Jewish
slaughter of Gaza.
It was a grand occasion at the National
Jewish Leaders Assembly on July 28, 2014 where the main topic was the
massacre of Gazan civilians by the American-enabled Israeli military.
Keynote speaker was Jew-owned Susan
Rice (professionally inept and morally bankrupt) who chalked up
future credits from her Jewish owners (slave trade agents) with words
to mollify Jewish guilt of bloodshed in Gaza.
“In a land where, in the haunting
phrase of Yitzhak Rabin, ‘parents bury their children,’ today is
a time of worry for all who care about Israel. Our commitment to
protect Israel’s qualitative military edge remains absolute,”
Rice told her bloodthirsty audience.
One wonders if parents in Gaza can even
find their dead children under the rubble left by Jewish bombs PAID
FOR by America.
For in Jew-bombed Gaza, Palestinian
parents don’t get a chance to “bury” their children.
And one might be tempted to ask
Jew-owned, hateful-looking Rice if perhaps it’s a time to “worry”
and “care” about the civilians in Gaza mowed down by Jewish
How could that be? They’re Arabs, not
For Jewmerica ONLY cares about “Jewish
lives” while Palestinian cattle in Gaza are herded en masse for the
Next in the lineup of Jewish
arse-kissers, and scoring points for his future political ambitions
with media & monied American Jewry, was House Speaker, John
“In times like this, people try to
isolate Israel, vomited out Boehner, “but we are here to stand with
Israel. Israel’s enemies are our enemies.”
THIS IS WHY America is in trouble.
To render children, women, and elderly
Palestinians in Gaza as America’s “enemies,” (for they surely
are the ‘enemies’ of hateful Jews), then Jewmerica has lost its
conscience and is beholden to bloodthirsty Jewish policies.
Just this past week, the Jewnited
States of Jewmerica has allowed Israel, while waging its massacre of
Gazan civilians, to tap a US arms stockpile to resupply it with
grenades and mortar rounds.
“Stop Killing People!” is now an
anti-Semitic message, according to Israel-Firster, Abe Foxman of the
And Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon
Wiesenthal Center whines that it is Hamas’ fault that people all
over the world are beginning to passionately hate Israel.
AMERICA IS NOT its own. It’s been
bought with a price. That price is selling its soul to Christ-hating,
humanity-hating, neurotic, dysfunctional, detestable Jews.
Woe to your country when its rulers are
They murdered God on the Cross and now
they’re murdering America!
See the Brother Nathanael's article with supportive links here.
P.S. America is mistakenly referred to --intentionally-- as a Judeo Christian country. Supposedly to mean a country of jewish and Christian values. This is not true. America is a jewish country. What is a Judeo Christian but a jewish Christian, a Christian bowed to judaism... an anti-Christ Christian, an oxymoron. If "Christian" is to be used in the descriptor, "bowed or surrendered Christian" would be more reflective of the truth.... or "anti-Christ Christian."
P.P.S. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is counting on gentiles to continue fearing jews. The Palestinians are hoping the world will get a conscience.
P.P.S. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is counting on gentiles to continue fearing jews. The Palestinians are hoping the world will get a conscience.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Cyclist Reprimanded For Gaza Protest
Melbourne-based Malaysian cyclist Mohd
Azizulhasni Awang had been reprimanded after wearing gloves with the
words ‘Save Gaza’ during his quarter final cycling race at the
Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland, on Thursday.
The words ‘Save Gaza’ inscribed on
his gloves were shown to television cameras after Azizul beat
England’s Philip Hindes to seal a quarter-final berth. The
inscription was seen to be a political protest related to the recent
intensification of attacks between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas
faction in the Gaza strip.
Following the event, he was warned by
the Commonwealth Games Federation Chief Mike Hooper that he would see
a removal of his accreditation if he does it again.
“The actions were investigated and we
spoke with the Malaysian team management,” said Hooper on Friday.
“It’s inappropriate for any form of
protest, etc. in a games venue. We respect everyone’s right to
protest … however it is inappropriate.”
Azizul however explained that it was
not a political protest.
“I feel sorry to the people who
misinterpret my message. There’s no such thing with political
protest,” wrote Azizul on his Facebook page.
“It’s from the bottom of my heart
to express humanitarian (thoughts). Since when (is) expressing
humanitarian considered as political?
P.S. There are people of conscience in the world, but one wouldn't know it by what our jewish-controlled conventional rules allow or by what we see via our jewish-controlled media.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Imagine A World Without Jews
Can you imagine it? I imagine that in a world without jews there would be less lying and cheating. Of course there would still be lying and cheating by some, but it wouldn't be so pervasive as it is now; it wouldn't be the norm as it is now.
Author John Kaminski, one whom the Muslim truth jihadist Kevin Barret once described as a 'real anti-semite'... I think that should be a badge of honor coming from Barret, who is such a dope, and such a coward, when it comes to jews, judaism and the jewish culture... anyway, in his latest article, When lies turn into madness, Kaminski succinctly describes the jewish role contributing to the current state of depravity of the world. At the end of the article, Kaminski states: The whole world would be better off without any Jews at all. Indeed, John, indeed. The article in full follows:
Author John Kaminski, one whom the Muslim truth jihadist Kevin Barret once described as a 'real anti-semite'... I think that should be a badge of honor coming from Barret, who is such a dope, and such a coward, when it comes to jews, judaism and the jewish culture... anyway, in his latest article, When lies turn into madness, Kaminski succinctly describes the jewish role contributing to the current state of depravity of the world. At the end of the article, Kaminski states: The whole world would be better off without any Jews at all. Indeed, John, indeed. The article in full follows:
It’s not so funny how the same lies
that we hear now being spoken by our so-called leaders in Washington
about the events in Ukraine, or Syria, or Iraq, or Libya, or about
any of the dozens of other countries upon which the American military
has bestowed its “humanitarian” efforts, are the very same lies
we were told in 1939 at the beginning of World War 2, when Germany
marched into Poland to rescue its abused citizens there.
That rescue attempt afforded a
convenient excuse for Britain to start bombing Germany, and start the
greatest, most horrendous war the world has ever known.
And Poland — oh poor Poland, the dupe
of centuries — Poland had stupidly signed protection agreements
with both England and Russia (then called the Soviet Union). The
future from that point would show that those agreements meant
nothing, as England was to totally ignore Poland’s defense and
Russia, the USSR, under the heartless banner of world communism, was
to obliterate Poland in short order, an event that illustrated
stunning confirmation of Adolf Hitler’s original fear, which was
that communism would overrun Europe, which it later did, thanks to
the cynical complicity of the Western powers.
As we are now inundated by baseless
aspersions from the Jewish controlled Western media about how Russia
shot down this innocent airliner over the blood-spattered territory
of the eastern Ukraine, and the world stands on the brink of its last
World War, which the American president and his truculent allies seem
eager to encourage, I can’t help but think of the real facts of
World War 2 that we were prevented from hearing and understanding
because of the power and duplicity of the American media, which has
for the past hundred years been totally controlled by Jews and their
eager lackeys.
In both World Wars 1 and 2, the Germans
were portrayed as horrendous savages, when in fact Germany,
throughout the 19th century, had been the unchallenged capital of
civilization, maybe the representation of human civilization at its
highest point, with its composers, scientists and philosophers
dominating human intercourse and conversation. Consider the giant
names that roll off the tongue — Beethoven, Planck, Schopenhauer,
and so on.
How did it happen that this
sociological miracle known as Germany got transformed into the
world’s superlative villain? The answer is to be found in two small
words — Jewish media. From this poisonous label evolves the
chilling epiphany revealing the deliberate retardation and
destruction of human civilization.
The madness of the lies that put the
world on the road to destruction can be illustrated in one simple
fact about World War 2.
Through its awesomely convincing
barrage of electronic and print information, Jewish media convinced
us that it was better to defend a nation that had murdered (at the
time) at least 50 million of its own citizens and created the death
penalty for all acts of anti-Semitism and instead attack a much
smaller nation that had eliminated poverty and elevated its citizens
to an attitude approaching worship of its government, and most
importantly, had openly identified Jews as the agents of sabotage and
destruction of human civilization. And also, by comparison to the
bloodthirsty events in the Soviet Union, it had killed virtually none
of its own citizens.
How stupid could Americans have been to
make that choice? Two words. Jewish media.
As there are now, there were plenty of
people then who were telling us we were making the wrong choice.
In World War 1 we had Henry Ford,
perhaps the most principled American who ever lived, warning us about
the worldwide Jewish menace. He was shouted down by paid off
politicians and all those writers who would forever give journalism a
bad name. In World War 2 we had the aviation hero Charles Lindbergh,
who was painted as a traitor by the Communist agents who surrounded
Franklin Roosevelt, who like his feckless predecessor Woodrow Wilson,
lied about his intentions to invade Germany right up until the day he
declared war.
About our last chance to make any real
inroads against this gigantic Jewish media deception came in the
1950s when Sen. Joe McCarthy was widely described as a paranoid
lunatic for claiming to know hundreds of Communists in the American
government. But our belief in Edward R. Murrow shilling for Jewish
media with his CBS broadcasts ultimately led, 50 years later, to Dick
Cheney and his Mossad friends knocking down the two biggest buildings
in New York City in order to spread the Communist warmaking formula
around the globe.
Fast forward to the present moment and
you have the general consensus among intelligent observers that the
shootdown of the Malaysian jetliner over the Ukraine was nothing but
a false flag operation to take the TV network focus off the newest
Israeli atrocities in Gaza — which it did in spades — but also to
further defame Russia for a malicious misdeed that subsequent
investigations are showing to be an act committed by the insane
Ukrainian junta that takes its orders directly from Washington’s
Jewish sponsors.
This rush to blame Russia with no
evidence is the new philosophy of American media, stemming from the
philosophical direction pioneered about a decade ago by George Dubya
Bush when he noted that you have to keep repeating the propaganda
until it sinks in.
Fortunately for humanity, but only in
some cases, this philosophy only works for awhile, as subsequent
events and the perspective of time shed new light on old wounds, and
can often overturn the perception of them.
However, due to the ever inventive
onslaught of the Jewish manipulation of reality, most Americans are
still not cognizant of how their country was stolen from them a
hundred years ago when the Jews on Wall Street and infesting the
White House engineered the passage of the Federal Reserve, the income
tax and the direct election of senators, shortly before declaring war
on Germany, which the passage of the income tax (then pegged at 1
percent with a promise never to go up) made possible.
Most Americans are still not aware that
FDR engineered the start of WW2 practically by himself and refused at
least seven peace offers from Hitler in order to capture all of
Europe for his Jewish money masters. Yes, the true story is that
Roosevelt’s America started World War 2 and bears the primary
responsibility, thanks to its Jewish puppet masters, of the 60 million
people who lost their lives in it.
The staleness of the 9/11 story is
starting to get on the nerves of many Americans who correctly
perceive a connection between this government fairy tale and the
conversion of America’s law enforcement apparatus into the totally
oppressive Department of Homeland Security. When you dig beneath the
surface, it’s impossible to avoid finding that most of the
so-called terror threats — from the USS Cole to the underwear
bomber — have been invented from the start by the FBI or some other
corrupt department of the U.S. government.
The takeover of Ukraine by ruthless
Jews from both Washington and Tel Aviv is clearly reflected in the
savagery used on hapless residents of a struggling to be born
Novorus. Americans of prior generations would be solidly on the side
of those who wish to live their lives in freedom of choice and
allegiance, but the satanic machine now governing Ukraine seeks to
kill all those residents and steal their property, just as the Talmud
Perhaps the finest example of the
essence of Judaism was recently etched in our minds by the murder of
four 10-year-old boys on a beach in Gaza. The boys were initially
injured by a bomb blast from above, but not satisfied with that, the
Israeli Jews eager for slaughter went back and finished them off with
bullets, one by one.
The whole world would be better off
without any Jews at all. The sooner this goal is accomplished, the
more peaceful our world will be.
P.S. Thank you John for being one of those voices you mentioned in your article, crying out in the wilderness trying to warn your brethren, gentile mankind, of the tares in the field... and letting those tares dominate the life of the field.
What is Al Quds day?
“The Quds Day is a universal day. It
is not an exclusive day for Quds itself. It is a day for the
oppressed to rise and stand up against the arrogant.” - Imam
"I pray that inshallah we will see
not only Palestine free, but all the oppressed people free - all the
oppressed people! Let me remind you today is the day of Al-Quds, its
a day we stand shoulder to shoulder with all oppressed people in the
world against all the oppressors, while we see in Palestine all the
world leaders are standing shoulder to shoulder with the oppressors
against the Palestinians whilst they are suffering on a daily basis -
we do exactly the opposite." - Massoud Shadjareh; Al Quds Day
Source here.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Free, Free Palestine!
Thank goodness there is still goodness in mankind that protests the barbarity judaism is foisting on the world. The king of Sweden and his wife joined a protest here
As long as there is any decency in mankind, what judaism brings to the world will be resisted. If there is to be peace in the world, judaism must be eradicated.
Free Palestine! Free the world!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Israeli Proclaims Zionism Is Evil
If anybody should know that zionism is evil, it is an Israeli, in this case Ilan Pappé, who is willing and able to see the truth of it, i.e., willing and able to see through the inculcation of lies which is essential to jewish culture.
Is it a coincidence that the devil's children --jews-- become agitated during Christian/Muslim holy days, as was the case during Operation Cast Lead which occurred just after Christmas, and what seems to be the case with this current pummeling of Gaza by Israel during Ramadan, under another "operation," Operation Protective Edge? Or is it an indication of the evil of zionism?
Of course Pappé is wrong about his interpretation of WWII. But is that any wonder given the that the jewish culture is built on a panoply of lies?
Anyone that would read The Death of Nazi Germany, by Thomas Goodrich, would know that the real holocaust of WW2 was of Germany and the German people... and not the jews in work/relocation camps, which happened to be the safest places to be in Germany during WW2.
P.S. The Inglourious Basterds of Israel had so much fun in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, they just had to do a sequel. And you know they'll do another sequel, and another, and another... unless the world gentile community says enough. They'll leave romps through tougher venues like Lebanon to their American water carriers.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The following letter was found posted at Brother Nathanael Kapner's site here:
Robert Litoff. I have been following your site for many years. You
may publish this Letter and my name.
I was born in New Haven, Connecticut in
1945 of two Jewish parents but am now a non-practicing Jew. As far as
I can trace, all my ancestors are Jews.
I graduated Phi Beta Kappa in
psychology from the University of Connecticut.
The claim that 6 million Jews died
during World War II is wrong.
During the war period, before and
shortly afterward, 5 million Jews went to Israel, and the Jewish
population of North America increased from 4 million to 6 million.
Jews also went to Brazil, Argentina,
Australia and other nations. This accounts for the decrease of 6
million Jews in Europe.
The world Jewish population was 15
million circa 1929 but it reached an estimated high of 18 million in
1989, an increase of 16%, which would have been impossible if 6
million Jews died in World War II.
The rabbi of my synagogue was Rabbi
Andrew Klein who was a Hungarian Jew. He was interned in Auschwitz
during World War II. His wife and 2 sons, Theodore and Lester, were
interned in Bergen-Belsen.
One of the stories you hear about the
nazis is that they killed all the Jews who could not work. But,
Theodore and Lester were both children who could not work when they
were at Bergen-Belsen but they were not killed.
Soon after the end of the war, there
were a few different stories of how the nazis committed mass murder.
One was that the victims were put in water and an electric current
was sent through the water electrocuting the victims.
Another was that the victims were
thrown in great fiery pits. Yet another was that the victims were
driven in trucks which had their exhaust fumes channeled into the
compartment in which the victims were placed, thereby killing them.
Finally, there is the story about the
victims ‘taking showers’ in gas chambers which is the one claimed
today. I take issue with this claim for the following reasons.
Germany. It was first used in Texas to disinfect the clothing of
Mexicans crossing the border.
In the German work camps, Zyklon-B was
used to disinfect the clothing of the internees to stem the tide of
Perhaps you have heard the story that
the internees were led into a room in which they were told that they
would be given showers and then they were gassed to death.
In reality, the doors of a real gas
chamber would have to be airtight and look something like an airplane
door. Otherwise, the gas would seep out and kill those operating the
gas chamber.
Also, before the doors of a gas chamber
can be opened, another gas, anhydrous ammonia, must be injected into
the chamber to react with the poisonous gas to make it a less lethal
resulting gas.
Even so, anhydrous ammonia being
poisonous, it would react with the gas used and would have to be
scrubbed away. This would have been a long, dangerous, inefficient
and toilsome task.
If Hitler wanted to kill as many Jews
as he could, he would have had them shot by machine guns and
automatic rifles. This would have been the least expensive and
quickest way to commit mass murder. And, tragically, there were many
mass murders in World War II by soldiers using machine guns and
automatic rifles.
But, I am only stating that the claim
that Hitler committed a genocidal war against Jews is false. I am not
defending Hitler. He started a war which caused the deaths of
I FIRST READ Elie Wiesel’s “Night”
when in it was an earlier publication.
In this early edition, Wiesel does not
mention any gas chambers but states that mass murder was committed by
throwing Jews of all ages into great fiery pits.
When I ask various Jews why did Wiesel
not mention gas chambers if they existed, and, if great fiery pits
were used to kill people, then why are people not talking about the
great fiery pits now like people are always talking about the gas
The usual response is that the victims
were killed by both methods and that Wiesel’s failure to mention
gas chambers is not proof that the gas chambers for killing people
did not exist. This answer is not convincing since Wiesel purports to
be giving an eyewitness account.
Weasel (misspelling intentional…for
the man is a deceiver and a sneak) wrote about the internees taking
showers, being shaved of all body hair, and being covered with
disinfectant which would be consistent with a program to prevent
typhus and other diseases from killing the internees and not
consistent with a program which wanted the internees to die.
In the earlier edition of “Night,”
Wiesel wrote that he had surgery on one of his feet at a “well
equipped hospital” in Auschwitz before taken to other camps. In the
newer editions of “Night” this has been changed to an
Yet, in both editions, he states that
he was given two weeks off from work after his surgery which is
inconsistent with the claim that all internees who could not work
were killed.
Weasel wrote that while he was
recuperating the Russians were approaching Auschwitz and the Germans
knew that they could not hold out in Auschwitz any longer.
So, they offered all their internees
who were in the hospital that they could decide whether to wait for
the Russian soldiers to come or leave with the Germans. Wiesel
decided to leave with the Germans who were supposedly committing
genocide against the Jews instead of waiting for liberation by the
Perhaps, you have seen pictures of
piles of dead and walking skeletons of a liberated concentration
But, by the end of the war, all Germans
were having difficulty feeding themselves.
Also, the American and British air
forces were bombing all the railroad tracks making it impossible to
bring sufficient quantities of food into the camps. So, America and
Britain share most of the blame for the starvation in the camps at
the end of the war.
Jews need to keep bringing up the
Holocaust so they can extort billions of dollars from America and its
most advanced weapons systems for their Zionist program in Israel.
Jews own and control America’s
mainline media, so that they can control most everything Americans
hear and see.
While Americans argue about medical
care and how much it will cost, Israel has a much more generous
medical care program for its citizens and does not need to worry
about the costs because it’s paid for by tax-paying American
citizens in the aid we give to Israel.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Jew Takes Wheel at Ford
![]() |
Sweet Revenge: Ford CEO Mark Fields (right), executive chairman Bill Ford (left) and outgoing CEO Alan Mually. |
Detroit — In a company where the top jobs frequently go to graduates of Midwestern engineering schools — or to heirs of the founding family — Mark Fields’s rise to the top of Ford Motor Co. was hardly a sure thing.
But then, in an earlier era, when the Fields family name was Finkelman and the name of the company’s leader was Henry Ford, the odds would have been nil, or worse.
Just as Finkelman became Fields, however, the automaker founded by one of America’s most notorious anti-Semites has transformed itself over the decades. When Ford named Fields as its president and CEO on May 1, the 53-year-old executive became not just the first Jew to run that company, but also the first Jew to head any of the major U.S. automakers.
Said Jeffrey Gurock, a professor of Jewish history at Yeshiva University: “I don’t think Henry Ford would have dreamed of a day where a Jew would [be] the head of his motor company. Part of his anti-Semitism was that Jews control but don’t work. He never would have dreamed that there would be a Jew putting people to work in the Ford Motor Company.”
Read more in the jewish Forward here.
P.S. The title of this post is the same title the jewish Forward used in its email of this article. The metadata title to the above picture used in the article is "sweet revenge". The jews will have their sweet revenge on all of America... and all American goyim.. for their jingoed up persecution complex... if they have their way. American goyim, wake up. The jews are having their way. Is that good for everybody?
P.P.S. American jews are aware of and have read Henry Ford's International Jew, shouldn't American goyim also be so privileged?
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Anti-Semitism 'Infects' One in Four People, Global Survey Finds
The “ADL Global 100” report
released May 13, 2014, surveyed more than 100 countries to determine
the extent of anti-Jewish sentiment worldwide.
The survey found that 26 percent —
more than one in four — of the 53,100 adults surveyed are “deeply
infected” with anti-Semitic attitudes. The survey was conducted in
102 countries, from Argentina to Vietnam.
P.S. I would say that 26 percent of the adults surveyed proved to be jew wise.
P.P.S. According to the Jewish TelegraphAgency, the survey gauged anti-Semitism by asking whether respondents
agreed with an index of 11 statements that the ADL believes suggest
anti-Jewish bias:
Jews talk too much about what happened
to them during the Holocaust; Jews are more loyal to Israel than to
the countries they live in; Jews think they are better than other
people; Jews have too much power in international financial markets;
Jews have too much power in the business world; Jews have too much
control over global affairs; people hate Jews because of the way Jews
behave; Jews have too much control over the U.S. government; Jews
have too much control over global media; Jews are responsible for
most of the world’s wars; Jews don’t care about what happens to
anyone but their own kind.
To deny that any of the above
statements are true is to deny the truth. The survey should have
found everyone they surveyed as being infected with "anti-Jewish bias"... or in other words being "cognizant of the truth." The survey found
only 26 percent of the people it surveyed being cognizant of the truth, which means fully 74 percent of those surveyed proved to be unaware of the truth or in denial of the truth.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
NFL Presents Celebration That Can Not Be Ignored
Call me a prude, call me old fashioned, call me homophobic... call me anything that indicates that I am not accepting and acquiescing to this debauchery [of Michael Sam sharing cake and a kiss with his boy friend]. Any of those things is better.
Americans, this celebration was presented right in your faces. It can not be ignored. You can't pretend the degeneration of your society isn't happening. It's being flaunted and celebrated, in your faces, in and by the industry of your favorite pastime. Pretending this isn't happening; not protesting this, is accepting it.
Will there be any protest of this? Is there enough health and decency in the American public body to protest and throw this off?... to refuse to accept this as normal and acceptable for America? I sure hope so... or there is no hope.
P.S. Objection to the debauchery into which our American society is being led is being quickly nipped in the bud:
Safety Don Jones of the Miami Dolphins
has been fined an undisclosed amount and excused from team activities
after reacting to video of St. Louis Rams draftee Michael Sam via
social media, the team announced Sunday night.
"I want to apologize to Michael
Sam for the inappropriate comments that I made last night on social
media," Jones said in a statement released by the team. "I
take full responsibility for them, and I regret that these tweets
took away from his draft moment.
"I remember last year when I was
drafted in the seventh round and all of the emotions and happiness I
felt when I received the call that gave me an opportunity to play for
an NFL team and I wish him all the best in his NFL career.
"I sincerely apologize to Mr.
Ross, my teammates, coaches, staff and fans for these tweets. I am
committed to represent the values of the Miami Dolphins organization
and appreciate the opportunity I have been given to do so going
After witnessing Sam kiss his boyfriend
on television, Jones tweeted "omg" and later "horrible"
to a fan who asked if the safety was referring to the kiss.
Jones is expected to complete
educational training for his comments.
Pic of the Day: Goodbye Goyim
The above pic of the day was found posted at Pragmatic Witness. Why can't we know what they're spraying? This won't stop unless we stop it.
You don't believe this is happening? Look up to the sky... especially on a bright clear day... like I did once here.
You don't believe this is happening? Look up to the sky... especially on a bright clear day... like I did once here.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
PUTIN.... Just Another Oligarch Jew
So, Putin’s mother Maria Ivanovna
Shelomova, was JEWISH, which makes him ………………
And we in the real Truth movement are
aware that we are not up against a NWO, or the Illuminati, but a Jew
World Order. With International Jewry pulling all the strings.
So, can anyone explain to me why there
are still some people in the Truth movement who refuse to see this
glaringly obvious situation?? That these sites STILL portray this
sellout to humanity as their superhero. That somehow there is a
Russia/West divide. Exactly what the JMSM wants us to believe. It is
quite incredible that people who claim to be politically astute
cannot see what is going on.
That yet again, International Jewry are
playing both sides. The blue vs the reds. Good cop bad cop routine.
How simple can this be to work out??
He is just another crypto Jew, having
conveniently converted to Orthodox Christianity in the 1960′s. How
convenient. He is no more a Christian than Benjamin Netanyahu. He is
just another conniving, manipulative, greedy, demonic, billionaire,
oligarch Jew – who is deceiving us.
It is more Jewish deception. Another
Jewish scam. Trickery. Lies. And very poorly disguised lies at that.
It would take a 14 year old schoolboy to source this information and
work the scam out in just one evening after school. Yet we have all
these so-called Truth outlets in denial. Quite incredible. What’s
going on?
P.S. Great piece from DiggerForTruth. Hey Digger, don't ya just hate amateurs? You can forget about any invites to a Putin press conference.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks Too
Russia is more beholden to
international bankers than perhaps any nation on the planet. After
the collapse of the Russian economy and the dissolution of the old
Soviet Union, the country was in dire straits. From 1992 to 1996, the
IMF intervened in the Russian economy, offering more than $22 billion
in aid (officially). This first loan package was presented as a
failure when Russia defaulted on its debts, and loans from the IMF restarted through the late ’90s until this very day.
Putin has been elevated to heroic
status in much of the mainstream media over the years. TIME magazine,
a long-running globalist publication, recently published a front-page
article with this tagline: “America’s weak and waffling. Russia’s
rich and resurgent — and its leader doesn’t care what anybody
thinks of him.”
This cover was used by TIME in
every country in which it is distributed, except the United States.
The Times of Britain named Putin “Man
Of The Year” in 2013. In Liberty Movement circles, Putin worship
has been growing to disturbing levels. I would say at least half of
our movement truly believes Putin and Russia to be a guiding light in
the fight against globalization and the New World Order.
Unfortunately, many people look for heroes to save them when they
should be looking to themselves. Putin’s nomination for a Nobel
Peace Prize for his “intervention” in the Syrian crisis is
celebrated by many freedom fighters here in America, when, in
reality, the Obama Administration’s failure to achieve a war
footing in the region had nothing to do with the actions of Russia.
The recent break of Crimea from Ukraine
and secession to Russia was partly instigated by the vast concessions
required by the IMF if loans to Ukraine were to move forward. One of
these concessions included the handing over of Ukrainian gas
pipelines to America’s Chevron. Crimean leaders accused Kiev
politicians of selling out Ukraine to the global bankers.
However, it was actually Russia’s
finance minister and Putin who first pushed for the IMF bailout of
Ukraine. It was, in fact, Putin who wanted Ukraine to “sell out” to Western financiers.
Remember, Russia and the U.S. are nothing but false champions dueling in a fake gladiator match paid for by the IMF. The war against Syria was thwarted because the elites were unable to garner enough public support from the American people to make the action viable. Every engineered war needs a gullible percentage of the population to give it momentum. Why didn’t they get their following from the public? It was because of the tireless efforts of the alternative media.
Remember, Russia and the U.S. are nothing but false champions dueling in a fake gladiator match paid for by the IMF. The war against Syria was thwarted because the elites were unable to garner enough public support from the American people to make the action viable. Every engineered war needs a gullible percentage of the population to give it momentum. Why didn’t they get their following from the public? It was because of the tireless efforts of the alternative media.
It was the Liberty Movement that
exposed the lies behind the Syrian insurgency; the consulate attack
in Benghazi, Libya; the CIA’s involvement with al-Qaida in
Damascus, etc. It is the Liberty Movement that deserves the credit
for disrupting the globalist plan to use Syria as a trigger event for
a false confrontation between the U.S. and Russia.
Read the rest of this article [with references and links] by Brandon Smith here.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
Revisionist documentary which provides relevatory information
debunking the greatest hoax in human history -
“The Holocaust” – the fraudulent
claim that six million Jews were murdered by Germans, mostly in “Gas
Chambers disguised as Shower Rooms.”
Never before seen evidence helps prove
that Treblinka was a transit camp, far from the “Pure Extermination
Camp” myth currently promoted by the Holocaust religion.
For the first time ever, listen to Jews
themselves who were transited through Treblinka describe the process
of being transferred from Treblinka to other camps, along with
hundreds and thousands of other men women and children. Documentation
is presented which affirms that Treblinka was no top secret “pure
extermination center”, but a simple transit camp where many Jews
took real showers in order to keep them alive.
The absurdity of diesel gassings,
non-existent mass graves, forced confessions, and more are covered in
THE JEWISH GAS CHAMBER HOAX, a new documentary from the filmmaker of
P.S. Who else but people with absolutely no shame, the children of the father of lies, could bring us such a great hoax? To support the author of the above invaluable film go here.
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