Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Engineering Evil... or Maintaining the Myth

For balance to tonight's History Channel presentation of “Engineering Evil,” I present Edgar Steele's “Holy Holocaust” debunking of the holocaust myth. If mankind is ever to be free, the truth about this myth and its perpetrators must be exposed. The same goes for the myths [i.e. the official versions] of the JFK assassination, the attack of the USS Liberty and 9/11.

From Neil Genzinger's review of “Engineering Evil,” in the New York Times [here]:

“Engineering Evil,” a History Channel special on Tuesday night, is devoted to the details of how the Nazis carried out the Holocaust, so you expect to learn about things like crematorium design, and you do. But another kind of engineering — call it human engineering — is also revealed here.

Is it possible that tonight's presentation “Engineering Evil” could be construed as "human engineering"... of the American minds... to maintain a myth... and also evil?


SoldierofYah said...

Hello Rick,

This is "Lone Wolf", the editor of Exposing the Holocaust Hoax blog.

It is truly and outrage and tragedy what has been done to J. Edgar Steele.

I also wanted to make you aware that a friend of mine and I are just starting up a new message board and forum called "Knowledge is Power", which is dedicated to complete freedom of speech for truthseekers.

Here is the link: http://newsfromatlantis.freeforums.org/index.php

If you are interested, please join us. We don't have many members yet, but hopefully we will grow and soon make the forum a "lively" place to interact.

Lone Wolf

RickB said...

Lone Wolf, thanks for stopping by and leaving the links.

I'll check them out.