Monday, February 2, 2009

WW3 or Jewish Hegemony

James Petras has written a great piece describing the calculations now in play. He astutely describes what the Israeli strategists, and hopefully all of us, have learned from this catastrophe in Gaza.

Israel’s military victory in Gaza is a dress rehearsal for a full-scale military assault on Iran. In the course of their Gaza extermination campaign, Israeli political and military strategists gained a great deal of vital information about: (1) the levels of complicity and impotence of European, North American and Arab states; (2) the high degree and depth of material and political support obtainable from the United States government in pulverizing adversaries; (3) the high degree of internal support among the Jewish electorate for even the most brutal killing fields; (4) the massive unquestioning backing of an offensive war from all the biggest and most politically influential and wealthiest Jewish-Zionist organizations in the US and Western Europe; (5) the weakness and ineffectiveness of the United Nations and the incapacity of the entire range of humanitarian organizations to limit Israel’s extermination campaign directed at destroying the very existence of an entire people; (6) the unconditional backing of the entire mass media and news agencies in the US and most of the mass media in Europe and the rest of the world; (7) the willingness of the liberal critics to equally blame the victims of extermination and the exterminators for the ‘violence’, thus neutralizing any effective consequential condemnation of the Israeli state; and (8) the adaptation of practically all the journalists, writers, academics and politicians to the entire euphemistic vocabulary of the Israeli propaganda office.

They took their war machine for a spin, and it works great. He concludes that they will overreach after Netanyahu gets elected, unleashing the attack on Iran and triggering WW III.

Read the rest of "Hunching Toward Armageddon" here.

P.S. Israel doesn't have to kick off WW3. It can just hold it out as the obvious option opposed to accepting Jewish lordship over our lives. Americans can attest that Jewish lordship isn't all that bad. Nice Jewish people treat their gentile neighbors as virtual equals...well, up until now that is.

P.P.S. And I wasn't insulted with a moron for president, were you?


Anonymous said...

Absolutely makes sense. Too many signs of Jewish hegemony show that this is the root cause of western invieglement over the Israeli massacres in Gaza. So too, the great bankers' robbery, causing impoverishment to governments--other than Israeli. It may be too late for action, but these things must be opposed seriously.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely makes sense. Too many signs of Jewish hegemony show that this is the root cause of western invieglement over the Israeli massacres in Gaza. So too, the great bankers' robbery, causing impoverishment to governments--other than Israeli. It may be too late for action, but these things must be opposed seriously.

Anonymous said...

It is beginning to look certain that, Israel has learnt much from 1930's Nazism, and the "Master Race" ideology. Propaganda, Fear, Blitzkrieg attacks(now pre-emptive strikes) and Lebensraum are culminating towards a ruthless regime, bent on world dominion, or Armageddon. It worries me that, governments of supposed democracies of the west are somehow in the thrall of these malicious people. Hitler's Germany had no great influencial friends in foreign countries to work from within, but Zionists seem to have "bought" the support of western elites and their governments, in order to greatly facilitate the domination of world finance and civilisation. With the Zionists schemes of producing "A State within States", it does seem impossible to stop now, without a great price being paid.